Bruntsfield Garden

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This plot is about 15m long on 9m wide, with an additional 5m x 3m corner (a map can be found here). When I moved in, it had been completely left alone for at least 5 years (according to the neighbours).
It was covered with high vegetation (mostly grasses) and a large part was invaded by brambles. No path or previous landscaping were visible. In addition, the roof had been repaired the year before and scaffoldings had compacted the soil a great deal. Also, I found loads of building material scatterd all around the garden

The garden is very badly exposed: the sun is constantly hidden by the house from east to west. In winter, no sun at all, and in summer, just a couple of hours right at the back.

To make things worse, there were 2 relatively big leylandii trees on the side. These were making the garden very dark and damp, and one of the first decisions I made was to cut them down.

One and a half month later, the two trees were cut down and I managed to dig over almost the entire garden.

And finally (at last!) it was planting time! We ar now in spring 2002. I prepared the central area for a new lawn and started to plant a few shrubs and perennials.

And here are a few pictures of the final result in summer 2002:

And in summer 2003:
For a lot more pictures, see Bruntsfield Garden.

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